It Figures

It Figures

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Life Drawing, November 2014 - March 2015

For the past few months I have been attending three groups where  models, clothed and nude are available to work from in an effort to improve my figure drawing skills. This blog will serve as a place to share these life drawings and provide a record of my progress. For this first post I am going to work backwards from March 2015 to November 2014 and post minimal notes as a way to catch up with the work I have been doing. After this post I will continue to include only the life drawing studies here and all the other sketches will be posted on my other blog, Sketching Around, as usual.

Derwent drawing pencils , Albrecht Durer watercolor pencils and white Conte pencil on Strathmore 400 series tan toned sketch, 11" x 14".

Pen, watercolor and white conte pencil on Arches 140 lb. cold press paper that was pre painted with Raw Sienna.

Water soluble pencil and watercolor on Stillman and Birn Beta paper, 11" x 7".

Pen, watercolor pencil and watercolor on Stillman and Birn Beta paper 15" x 11".

Watercolor pencil and pen with a mixed grey De Atrementis Ink on Stillman and Birn Zeta paper, 4" x 5".

Watercolor pencil on Stillman and Birn Zeta paper, 5.5" x 8".

Pen and watercolor on Fabriano 140lb hot press paper, 11"x 7".

Pen and watercolor on Fabriano 140 CP paper, 11" x 7".

Pen and watercolor pencil on Fabriano hot press paper, 11" x 7".

This is the same drawing above with watercolor added.

The same model as above with watercolor added on Stonehenge paper, 11" x 11".

Pen, watercolor and watercolor pencil on Stonehenge paper, 11" x 7".

Pen, watercolor and watercolor pencil on Stonehenge paper, 11" x 7".

Pen and watercolor on Stonehenge paper, 11" x 7".

Pen, watercolor and watercolor pencil on Stonehenge paper,
15" x 11".

Pen, Derwent drawing pencil and white Conte pencil on Strathmore tan toned sketch, 14" x 11".

Pen, Derwent drawing, watercolor and shite conte pencil, 14" x 11".

Watercolor pencil and Derwent drawing pencil on Stonehenge paper, 11" x 7".

Ebony pencil, watercolor pencil and white Conte pencil on Stonehenge paper, 14" x 11".

Pen, Derwent drawing and white Conte pencil on Strathmore tan toned sketch, 14" x 11".

Ebony pencil, Derwent drawing and white Conte on Strathmore tan toned sketch, 11" x 14".

Ebony pencil, Derwent drawing and white Conte pencil on Strathmore tan toned sketch, 14" x 11".

Ebony and white Conte pencil on Strathmore tan toned sketch, 11" x 14".

Ebony, Derwent drawing and white Conte pencil on Strathmore tan toned sketch, 14" x 11".

Ebony, Derwent drawing and white Conte on Strathmore tan toned sketch 11" x 11".